Who annoited King Karl the decider?

Who annoited King Karl the decider? November 18, 2007

Apparently, it wasn't enough for King Karl to orchestrate GWB's theft of the presidency twice.  Now, he's deciding who the Democratic nominee will be.  The question is will he get away with it?

Newsweek: Rove on how to beat Clinton — http://www.newsweek.com/id/71000


If I lived in Iowa, New Hampshire or any other early primary state I would be furious.  Who anointed King Karl the decider?  Perhaps we should just forgo the primaries altogether and let King Karl decide who the candidates will be.  After all, he's been calling the shots for years anyways.  Considering the pathetic turnout from the American voters, you can't really blame him for his arrogance.  As much as I despise Karl Rove, you have to admit his politics are brilliant.  And Karl Rove knows who he would like the GOP to run against.  Her name is Hillary. 


Despite what the pundits say and Democrats would like to believe, Hillary is still the most polarizing figure of all the candidates from either party.  People either love her or hate her.  There is no in between.  Karl knows this.  He also knows that he can use psychology to irk the Dems into nominating her despite this extreme polarization. 


So the question is do the Democrats want to win in 2008?  Because if winning the presidency is the most important issue in 2008, perhaps Hillary's elect ability should be given careful consideration by those early voters. 


Karl has also done a great job at politically torpedoing John Edwards every chance he gets.  Oh, he's smart enough not to do it himself.  He uses his Bushie flunkies to run their vile mouths with vicious lies about Edwards.  Don't you find it odd, that a candidate that perhaps epitomizes the white male the most of any candidate on either side and yet Karl has managed to cast John Edwards as an extravagant spending liberal touting big trial lawyer.  What he fails to inform people is that John Edwards the trial lawyer has stood up for the rights of the little guy in a court of law where the advantage almost always goes to the rich and powerful with deep pockets to spend on lawyers.  If it were not for people like Edwards, the little guy would have no chance at all in a court of law. 


I come from a Republican red state.  I know for a fact that the thought of running against Edwards terrifies the GOP.  I have heard too many Bushies in my state affirm this repeated.  They definitely want Hillary as the Democratic candidate…at least where I come from. 


What I find most fascinating is how little attention the GOP pays Obama.  Perhaps it is because Karl is busy torpedoing Obama over the internet all the while making it look like it came from the Clinton campaign.  Don't put anything past Karl.   Most people aren't aware of the GOP phone bank maneuver in the 2004 election.  Most people aren't aware that Karl's first introduction to politics was under the Nixon administration. 


Yes, King Karl is brilliant.  So it's important to pay attention to what he's says as long as you consider that it is all a ploy to maneuver the electorate the way he sees fit.  And as long as people don't pay attention, as long as the people make assumptions, as long as the people don't participate, yes as long as the people don't vote, King Karl and his politics will succeed. 


So what can be done about it?  It is not enough for us to vote.  We must ensure others around us vote as well.  It is not enough for just our family to vote.  We must reach out to others.  We cannot make assumptions.  Many people assume they cannot vote when in fact they can.  Many people assume their vote will not count, but it does. Some people may need a ride to the poll.  Some people might need assistance in voting which they do not realize they are entitled to have when they vote. 


In order to fight King Karl we must consider elect ability when choosing our candidate.  We must participate and vote in the process no matter what we may think to the contrary.  We must not let King Karl decide who the Democratic candidate will be.  If we want our country to continue to be of the people, by the people and for the people then we must not leave this decision to pundits or others like King Karl. 


If nothing else, GWB's tenure in office illustrates how important it is to our future on whom we select as our candidate and our president. 


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