WaPo: Trump’s Right – Clinton’s Sexually Predatory Behavior is Fair Game

WaPo: Trump’s Right – Clinton’s Sexually Predatory Behavior is Fair Game December 30, 2015

Donald Trump is going to “go there” with Hillary Clinton on the subject of her husband’s sexually predatory behavior.

Recently, he’s said that he’d bring up Bill’s behavior with women, and liberals were outraged.  (CNN famously cut off the mic of a Hillary critic who said that Bill Clinton turned Monica Lewinsky into a “humidor.” Click HERE to watch that clip.)

But Washington Post writer Ruth Marcus — who is no fan of Trump’s — says Trump is right.

It takes a bit to get there.  First, she writes: “Donald Trump is crude and vulgar. He’s every “-ist” in the book: racist, sexist, narcissist, for starters. His dis about Hillary Clinton getting “schlonged” in the 2008 campaign and the accompanying tirade about her “disgusting” bathroom break were weird and juvenile. But he has a point about Clinton playing the “woman’s card,” and about the male behavior that’s more concerning: her husband’s.”

But then, she pivots to the actual subject at hand — whether Bill Clinton’s predatory behavior towards women is fair game.  She says…  drumroll, please… that it is.

Marcus writes that Bill Clinton:

… had a successful presidency — with an ugly blot. “Sexism” isn’t the precise word for his predatory behavior toward women or his inexcusable relationship with a 22-year-old intern. Yet in the larger scheme of things, Bill Clinton’s conduct toward women is far worse than any of the offensive things that Trump has said.

Trump has smeared women because of their looks. Clinton has preyed on them, and in a workplace setting where he was by far the superior. That is uncomfortable for Clinton supporters but it is unavoidably true.

Which leads to the next question: What is the relevance of Bill Clinton’s conduct for Hillary Clinton’s campaign? Ordinarily, I would argue that the sins of the husband should not be visited on the wife. What Bill Clinton did counts against him, not her, and I would include in that her decision to stick with him. What happens inside a marriage is the couple’s business, and no one else’s, even when both halves crave the presidency.

However, because Hillary is (wisely) trotting Bill out as a campaign tool and because she’s calling Trump “sexist,” all bets are off.

It’s time to deal honestly with the legacy of Bill Clinton.  Maybe he could call Bill Cosby for advice.

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