What I Wore Sunday: Easter Edition

What I Wore Sunday: Easter Edition April 1, 2013

I’m linking up with Fine Linen and Purple today, sharing what I (and my beautiful daughter) wore to celebrate our risen Lord on Sunday.


Maggie and Mommy after church.


Here’s the outfit and the details:

Dress: Banana Republic Mad Men Collection

Cardigan: Merona by Target

Belt: brand unknow, TJ Maxx

Necklace: Banana Republic

Shoes (hubby cut off my feet): Nine West by Marshalls


Sorry it’s shadowy, but you can see the shoes in this one!

And now for Maggie:


2 year olds is hard to photograph. This was the best picture of the 15 or 20 I snapped this morning.

Her dress, which she insisted on wearing all day, even when we went for a walk is from Kohl’s, with the matching top. Her tights are also from Kohl’s, and shoes are from Stride Rite. I’m not sure where her hair bow is from.

One last photo, because I’m too excited not to share it. I made Tres Leches Cake from Pioneer Woman and oh.my.goodness.


Complete with homemade whipped cream icing. Be jealous, it was awesome.

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