
Jokes January 30, 2010

Remember jokes? Brief little stories with a funny ending? It seems to me that people don’t tell jokes any more like they used to. Instead they make snide remarks. Even comedians don’t tell jokes much today. Instead they make wry observations and tell about their experiences. So to kick off our Saturday blog, let’s bring back the art form of the joke. What jokes do you know? Ground rules: No jokes that are dirty, demeaning, or offensive. We want to help our president bring America together and banish the national gloom. So, take it away. . . .

"I didn't go to Kindergarten, but I don't remember ever having a class like this, ..."

“White Rural Rage”
"Okay, you don't like her personal politics. But hey, she deserves a big "E" for ..."

“White Rural Rage”
"Listened to the entire thing. 2/3 of it was interesting and then at 41:00 she ..."

“White Rural Rage”
"I was wondering why Jacobs' argument sounds so familiar. Then I remembered this book from ..."

“White Rural Rage”

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