Bridge of Hope Education and Transformation

Bridge of Hope Education and Transformation October 16, 2018

Wills Point, Texas – GFA (Gospel for Asia) – Discussing how GFA-supported Bridge of Hope centers give education and transformation in the lives of children.

In a meeting at the United Nations on September 25, the leaders of France, Canada and Great Britain made a case for the UN to focus concerted efforts on educating young girls.

Sight Magazine reports, “More than 130 million girls . . . do not attend school, according to the World Bank, costing as much as $US30 trillion in lost earnings and productivity.”

Meanwhile, The Atlantic published an article that boys don’t read enough and that “girls tend to do almost everything more thoroughly than boys.”

Bridge of Hope Education and Transformation - KP Yohannan - Gospel for Asia

GFA has recognized the need for better education in developing countries, and we have been providing teaching through GFA-supported Bridge of Hope centers throughout Asia. The centers address the needs of impoverished children with education, healthy meals and basic health care.

Anyone who is familiar with Bridge of Hope (BOH) already understands those three prongs of our ministry to these children.

While the work of the BOH centers offer these three essentials, they are neither all that they provide nor are they all the children need. While they need literacy, nutrition and health care, much more will be required for them to succeed in life.

1. Emotional Growth

Bridge of Hope staff seeks to help each child achieve emotional maturity and a sense of confidence, which are essential strengths for a balanced life. We encourage them not to base their future on the past, but to move on to their full potential.

2. Character Building

Bridge of Hope emphasizes a disciplined value-based education that builds character. The goal is to prepare children to become good responsible citizens of their nation. The children regularly learn moral values and manners that enable them to respect authority and care for the needs of others.

3. Involvement of Their Families

Bridge of Hope staff invest not only in the children but also in their parents. Our staff members visit parents/guardians and conduct special training programs for them and the community. Topics covered include general awareness on child care, health and hygiene, good parenting and other topics to help them provide a better home environment in which their children can be encouraged and prosper.

Education alone is not the solution to the world’s problems, although it is often touted as if it were. Certainly, it is an essential part.

Likewise, our growth—growth that forges a path to a life lived rightly—must include social skills, respect, moral wisdom and kindness for others as well as accumulating knowledge.

Our hope and our prayers for Bridge of Hope students is that they will grow as well-rounded and wise persons who understand how to navigate through life and how to help others to do so as well. Our goal is that they will find wisdom and a love that will transform them forever.

Pray for our Bridge of Hope centers. Pray for the children. Pray for the staff.

Ask the Lord how you can help to support this great work.

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