WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the power of prayer in the lives of those who serve in the Mission Support Team, the crucial link that connects the mission field to the western church, first and foremost through their prayers.
Technically, I’m both a pastor’s kid and missionary’s kid. My father, an ordained pastor, and my mother have been working as behind-the-scenes missionaries at Gospel for Asia (GFA) for decades. Ministry has been an integral part of my life since childhood.
Over the years, I have had a front-row seat to countless stories of ministry. It’s a unique position, especially among my generation. Almost every aspect of my life revolved around Gospel for Asia (GFA) growing up. Weekly prayer gatherings and church meetings—I was there. I even sometimes joined my parents at conferences to represent the ministry.
The fact that I can call myself a “missionary’s kid” despite having never left the country is certainly somewhat unconventional. But still, my parents are missionaries, plain and simple. Though they may live and work here in the States, they enable those laboring on the field to change lives for eternity.
As I grew older, I realized more what kind of environment I had grown up in. It was one of personal growth, encouragement and above all—prayer. Prayer is what this ministry is founded on, and it is something my parents and all the staff members take very seriously. Conversing on a consistent basis with the Lord, interceding on behalf of the millions in Asia, or just simply bringing worries before Him, prayer is an important part of their—our—lives.
Kevin and Diane, a couple serving as behind-the-scenes missionaries, agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment.
“At Gospel for Asia (GFA), we are always reminded to keep prayer a priority above the tasks of our jobs,” Diane says. “Prayer is a pillar of the ministry. GFA was started by prayer and is sustained by prayer.”
What Prayer Truly Does
Even as I write this piece, gatherings for prayer are happening! If I hadn’t grown up in this ministry, I don’t think prayer would be as interwoven into my life as it is now.
Ralph and Sandy, also on staff as part of the Mission Support Team, say,
“Of everything we do at Gospel for Asia (GFA), prayer has impacted our lives the most. We pray as individuals, pray in the halls and offices and pray as a staff. No matter what is happening, prayer is what we do first. … To this day, it is still mind-boggling, humbling and overwhelming to think that the God of the universe bends His ear to hear our prayers.”
If I’ve learned anything in the years growing up in Gospel for Asia (GFA), it’s that prayer is powerful. Each one of us serving behind-the-scenes knows that prayer is what helps transform lives in Asia.
Learn more on how you can change lives in Asia through supporting a behind-the-scenes missionary.
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