December 13, 2013

Standing in the ultrasound room recently with my bride, my little boy, my mother-in-law, and our precious friends Zane and Hannah was (as Zane put it) “surreal”. Toes, fingers, ears, eyes, lips, so many details…Ribs were clearly seen and I was fascinated with the baby’s spine. The anticipation was high, waiting to hear if it was pink or blue, but we were also very thankful for all the other measurements they were doing, to make sure our baby is as healthy... Read more

November 19, 2013

“Trade your brokenness for His.” That’s what Paula Jones said last night and those are the words that are still resonating in my soul today. She started by handing each person a slip of colored paper. “I’ve been broken many times.” And she tore her paper in half. “The church has broken me more times than I’d like to admit. I’ve nearly given up on the church, but I’ve never come close to giving up on God.” And she tore... Read more

October 22, 2013

This is a guest post by someone I think the world of.  The author asked to remain anonymous for now, and I completely respect that decision.  We are all at different points in our journey. –Steve I am a perfect person. Well, if you ask just about anyone. I was the kid that teachers adored and other kids hated. I always made the highest grades, I always joined the most clubs, and I never broke any of the rules. This... Read more

October 21, 2013

“I don’t know why I’m about to tell you this, but ever since you shared your story, I knew I had to talk to you.”  Precious words that immediately grabbed my attention, pierced my heart, and blessed my soul. A week or so before, my friend was called into the Principal’s Pastor’s office.  I’ve been there before, sitting in “the hot seat”, fully aware of my guilt, but also anxious as hell, wondering what version of my story my “shepherd” was... Read more

October 9, 2013

“From every wound there is a scar, and every scar tells a story. A story says, I survived.” –Fr. Craig Scott There are two family members I should have been able to trust with my life.  God gave me the grace to forgive them both for hurting me in two different ways. The first family member is, (it is still hard not to call him “the sperm donor” rather than “Dad”),  was my father. Any man can donate his sperm, but it takes a man to... Read more

October 7, 2013

Here’s the meat and potatoes without wasting your time with 700 extra characters. I internally struggle with alcohol consumption. Not internally as in how much I consume, but rather the implications it has when I ask myself why. Being an extrovert, [mostly] only child who was single until the age of 31 I did a lot of social drinking… A lot. Most of the time it was honest and moderated by my conviction and most of the time I would... Read more

September 30, 2013

The Introduction He weighs nearly 500 pounds and is wearing house shoes, sweat pants, a black pullover, and a fedora that’s seen better days.  This self-proclaimed panhandler had a small cardboard sign that read, “JUST ASKING FOR GROCERIES”. The sidewalk was busy at 6pm Friday night, especially at the corner by the light.  The funny thing is that even with the hustle and bustle, we spotted each other from 1/2 a block away.  He had a good (nearly toothless) grin... Read more

June 23, 2013

This week has personally been the hardest week I have had in more than a year.  I was wounded by someone very close to me: someone who has been shown quite a lot of grace.  It really hurt.  I was shocked and stunned and all I wanted to do was run far away.  I wanted to disappear.  I wanted to be a turtle and slide back into that shell and let the world pass me by. I left the situation almost... Read more

April 17, 2013

This morning, BT and I woke up, watched “Veggie Tales” and “Curious George” for a while, and then ate breakfast.  Immediately following our grub time, he said, “outside” (very enthusiastically).  So, we headed out to play in the backyard, barefoot and with our pj’s on.  Side note: I just cut the grass yesterday, and the dew hadn’t dried yet, so we were sticky with grass! As we played in the backyard, there were times he would want me right there... Read more

April 16, 2013

I have an 18-month-old little boy.  BT is full of life, curiosity, love, and stubbornness.  He’s my joy, my challenge, my daily workout, and my constant reminder that God’s love is never-ending. Due to our wacko work schedules, I am able to be with him nearly every weekday morning until around noon.  I love my Mr. Mom time with him, but it does mean that I get to experience the gross side, which many Dads may not ever see. I... Read more

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