GrowMama Picks for November 2012

GrowMama Picks for November 2012 November 29, 2012

Growmama Picks is a collection of fun, interesting, and inspiring links that we share with you at the end of every month. Enjoy!

1. Want to know what’s making us moms so miserable? Read here to find out the secrets to being happier.

2. Shaykh Abdallah Kapodravi gives sound advice in this sermon as to how we can improve Islamic character in our youth.

3. Rules to live by! These are definitely tips you want to follow if you need to get your kids away from your iphone, ipad our computer.

4. Still holding grudges? Find out how forgiveness can improve your overall health here.

5. Need tips on creating love bonds between you and your child? Then Essential Parenting is the place to go.

6. One woman’s journey to seek out multicultural books for her kids and her views on why it is important in our melting pot society.

7. As a response to Black Friday, there is a challenge going on around the web to buy nothing until 2013! Are you up for it?

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