Perhaps violence isn’t so black and white after all…

Perhaps violence isn’t so black and white after all… July 3, 2014

To kill one man is to be guilty of a capital crime, to kill ten men is to increase the guilt ten-fold, to kill a hundred men is to increase it a hundred-fold. This the rulers of the earth all recognize, and yet when it comes to the greatest crime–waging war on another state–they praise it!

If a man on seeing a little black were to say it is black, but on seeing a lot of black were to say it is white, it would be clear that such a man could not distinguish black and white… So those who recognize a small crime as such, but do not recognize the wickedness of the greatest crime of all–the waging of war on another state–but actually praise it–cannot distinguish right and wrong. — Mozi (ca. 470-391 BCE)

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