December 14, 2017

My friend Danny Prada, lead pastor of HeartWay Church, has distilled the points of WHEAT much more efficiently than I’ve yet been able to manage. Read more

December 7, 2017

I was gearing up to enjoy this book. Reho is a good writer, and it’s an engaging and enjoyable read. But I ran into a bit of a snag. Read more

December 5, 2017

It’s quirky and awkward, and I love it! Hart has gifted us with a meticulously precise examination of the text, and I will be returning to it often. Read more

November 15, 2017

Jacob is only said to have loved one woman, but patriarchy pushed him into marrying four. And this caused all manner of marital problems. Read more

November 10, 2017

Sarai and Hagar had their fair share of disputes. Did their conflicts stem from polygamy? Or was Abram’s patriarchal treatment of them the real problem? Read more

November 7, 2017

Does the Bible critique polygamy by demonstrating problems in polygamous marriages? Or could patriarchy be the real culprit? Read more

October 30, 2017

Karl Barth’s relationship with Charlotte von Kirschbaum has created quite a stir. What might polyamory add to our understanding of this matter? Read more

October 5, 2017

Mark Kille, who has been blogging about polyamory and Christianity since 2014, shares the importance he sees in having this conversation. Read more

October 2, 2017

Is God monogamous or polyamorous? To answer this question, let’s examine the Trinity, God’s relationship to Israel, and God’s relationship to the church. Read more

September 26, 2017

Rev. Dr. Jeff Hood talks about his affirmation of polyamory, his understanding of God as polyamorous, and his belief in the need for sacrifice. Read more

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