May 5, 2016

Guest Post by Joel Ceballo Florida’s Hispanic population has surged over the last 30 years, becoming an integral part of the state’s economy and political arena. Now we need to turn our focus to education to ensure Latino children are held to rigorous academic expectations that put them on an early path towards success. As a board member of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and member of the Leadership Advisory Council for the Faith and Education Coalition (NHCLC), I... Read more

May 2, 2016

All children are a gift from God, and some children require an extra amount of special attention in their educational journey. Children with disabilities are often given specially designed educational programs that accommodate for their unique challenges while at the same time stimulate social, physical, and mental growth. In this interview, Rigo Mendez shares the insights he has gained throughout his years working closely with students with developmental delays. [Girien Salazar, Deputy Director of the Faith and Education Coalition-NHCLC] Dr.... Read more

April 13, 2016

By Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President, NHCLC   As a Christian who supports the use of foreign assistance, I am often accused of making a heart, not a head decision. Scripture tells me that we need to care for the poor, the orphan and the widow. But the Bible does not give us much guidance regarding how a nation, through its government, should specifically care for those outside its borders. How then, do I come to my position? Are there Biblical... Read more

April 8, 2016

By Jesse Rincones Over the past several years most states have begun the difficult work of raising academic expectations for students by implementing rigorous education standards and high-quality assessments. Sadly, Texas officials continue to set the bar low and, worse, are effectively masking the problem with tests that fail to reflect the skills and knowledge that students need to become college- and career-ready. Last month, Achieve and the Collaborative for Student Success released a report that finds that more than half... Read more

March 5, 2016

The nation’s biggest political parties are fully aware of the fast growing Latino population and are seeking ways to more successfully target the Latino vote… or are they? While the topics of religious liberty, immigration, and healthcare are important to Latino voters, political parties fail to discuss the most important issue for Latinos: education. Read here as Rev. Samuel Rodriguez shares his thoughts following the 2016 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at National Harbor, Maryland, March 4, 2016. [Girien Salazar,... Read more

February 25, 2016

Dr. Dee Stokes is a founding member of the Faith and Education Coalition of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference. The Faith and Education Coalition was founded as a group of pastors, evangelical leaders, and parents that care about every child having access to quality education regardless of zip code, income, or race. As we see in both Old and New Testaments, we are called out to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, strength, and mind. At... Read more

December 29, 2015

In December of 2015, the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly approved the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in order to correct past attempts to fix our educational system. Dr. Andrea Ramirez, Executive Director of the Faith and Education Coalition-NHCLC, understands its practical implications and offers 3 big takeaways for Christian faith leaders working in Latino communities. Find out how to partner with Dr. Ramirez at [Girien Salazar, Deputy Director of the Faith and Education Coalition-NHCLC] This month the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly approved the Every... Read more

November 17, 2015

Southwestern Professor of Missions Daniel Sanchez has served in numerous positions in the field of missions and academia, from missionary in Guatemala to evangelism director of the Baptist Convention of New York; from academic dean at Panama Baptist Theological Seminary to director of Southwestern Seminary’s Scarborough Institute for Church Growth. In addition, he has traveled to various countries around the world to teach in seminaries and local churches, devoting special attention to those in Latin America. Because of these protracted... Read more

September 11, 2015

[Guest post by Yuri Mantilla, Ph.D., Board Member NHCLC, Associate Professor of Law, Liberty University School of Law] A fundamental problem with the nativist narrative that it is becoming prevalent in the public discourse of some political candidates is the dehumanization of the Hispanic community and its consequences. In this case, I am thinking about the consequences for American citizens of Hispanic origin, either born in the USA or naturalized citizens, and permanent legal residents. When candidates speak about illegal immigration,... Read more

September 2, 2015

[Report by Maira Alejandra] Hispanic churches across the United States are making sure students are ready for the new school year. They’re celebrating “Education Sunday” on Sept. 6. The annual event, hosted by the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, takes place the first Sunday of September to encourage churches to play an active role in the education of the students in their congregations and communities. On Sept. 6, churches will pray for students and faculty and encourage members to support... Read more

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