Changed by Grace [Video]

Changed by Grace [Video] April 22, 2013

Grace is a highly-charged subject, and misperceptions about this unmerited gift of God and Jesus Christ can short-circuit our growth and undermine our hope and outlook for becoming transformed by them.

May I ask you a question in a very straightforward way? Are you or is someone you know facing:

A mountain that seems insurmountable?
A problem that seems unsolvable?
An addiction that seems intractable?
A dream that seems impossible?
A guilt that feels unmanageable?
A river– of grief or loneliness–that seems uncrossable?
A darkness or despair that seems impenetrable?
A relationship that seems irreparable?

my way or God's wayGod’s grace that comes to us through the literal Atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ can help you–today, now, in this very moment, if only received. Reincarnation isn’t the answer to overcoming; merely claiming we’re saved with our lips is not the answer. Christ’s atonement and His grace is the answer.

I invite you to please listen in, and join us for this video podcast in which a hopeful,compelling, graspable message about grace is shared on I Believe Podcast: Expressions of Faith, with special guest, Brad WIlcox. Find the Full I Believe Podcast Transcript here.

His grace is great enough to meet the great things,
The crashing waves that overwhelm the soul,
The roaring winds that leave us stunned and breathless,
The sudden storms beyond our life’s control.
His grace is great enough to meet the small things—
The little pinprick troubles that annoy;
The insect worries, buzzing and persistent,
The squeaking wheels that grate upon our joy.
Annie Johnson Flint

Bible Verse: “Come boldly before the throne of grace” (Old Testament, Hebrews 4;16).

Faith Quote: “The Atonement never expires” (Brad Wilcox, The Continuous Atonement).

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