
Serenity November 8, 2013

When you fight against something negative, you use most of your energy just to stay even. There is little, if any, remaining to help you get ahead. Even if you win, you lose.

Much anxiety comes from fighting against problems. If there is an obstacle standing in your path, look first for a way to move past it rather than immediately trying to fight against it. Instead of fighting against the bill collectors, find a way to increase your income. Rather than fighting against a competitor in the marketplace, work to uniquely position yourself so that you have no competition. When you react against something, you’re letting it control you. Instead, live life on your own terms and avoid the anxiety of having to fight your way through every day.

Set your own agenda, with calm, determined confidence. Look at the obstacles as ways to strengthen your accomplishment. After all, if there were no challenges, anyone could do it. The fact that you must find your way around problems should not be a source of distress. Because once you get around the obstacle, it goes from being a liability to being an asset. Don’t make enemies of your problems, because they will eventually become your friends. Move forward with the serenity of knowing that you can turn any challenge into an opportunity.

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