A Theology Guide for Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures

A Theology Guide for Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures December 4, 2014

* This is a re-blog from my friend over at HonorShame.com. Notice there are only more 3 days  left for you to get free access to this theology guide!!

By the way,  I have translated the guide into Chinese. Click here to get it.

How can we reframe Christian theology for cultures of guilt, shame, and fear?

This Theology Guide  systemically charts 40+ theological categories in the language and values of each culture type. For example, the section about God reads:

Sample of Theology GuideThe complete chart covers prolegomena, God, sin, Jesus, and salvation. It is available for download here.

After 3 days this chart will only be available to new subscribers to HonorShame.com, so please access it now if you are interested THEOLOGY GUIDE (GUILT-SHAME-FEAR).

71SBVq7TFqL._SL1500_Over the next couple of months, I hope to make available multiple translations of this theology chart (Chinese, Russian, Spanish).  I believe it is vital for all Christians to have a robust language for theology conversations. Would anyone be able/interested to help with Arab and Hindi translations?

This theology chart could form the basis for teaching or preaching lessons in your ministry. If you plan on teaching or preaching about God’s salvation for guilt, shame, or fear, I’d be delighted to give you a free .pdf copy of The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures, so you can prepare well.

Just email the event details (i.e., when, where, who)to info@HonorShame.com.

Do you have an idea for another theological category framed for guilt, shame, and fear cultures?



Credit: Photo with permission of Jayson Georges

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