Examples of Contextualization Maps

Examples of Contextualization Maps May 12, 2016

Today, I’ll give a few examples how to use a “contextualization map,” which I explained in my previous post.  A “contextualization map” helps you introduce the gospel when you only have 3–5 minutes.

Examples of Cont MapsSuch brief conversations are insufficient to present the gospel in a meaningful way. The primary goal of this kind of “elevator pitch” is simply this: help people understand the gospel is worth their attention so that we get more time to explain the message more clearly.

The following examples use the templates I introduced in my last post. Each of the 6 “contextualization maps” is slightly different is the way it orients the presentation. These are merely examples. They could be re-written in a thousand different ways.

The excel template I created gives prompts helping you fill out each section of the map. The basic format is similar even though the content differs. Below, I’ll walk you through the process in red.

First, you decide on the broad theme you will use. Below I chose to use a “royal” theme to answer the 3 core gospel questions.

1. Three Gospel Questions

Key Gospel Questions (example)Second, the “Message” box contains a simple, succinct sentence that summarize the main idea you want to convey. In the example below, I wrote “God the Father reconciles the human family through his son Jesus.”

2. Context

Context - Where are you? (Example)Third, list three key ideas that explain or support your main message. Contemporary scientific research has caught up with common knowledge: People remember things in best in threes. In the example below, Ideas #1–3 support the main message (which uses the sacrifice theme).

3. Content

Content -- Biblical ThemesFourth, list 2–3 key ideas that explain or support your main message. It doesn’t have to be three. Sometimes two is might be better. Perhaps you will want to list a biblical passage in the box.

4. Christ

Christ -- Who is Jesus? (example)

5. Canon

Canon-- Grand Biblical Story (example)

6. Conversation Partner

Conversation Partner (example)

Click the following links to access the contextualization maps.

Excel template –– This is the best format to use as it includes prompts to guide you through the planning process.


* Blank templates are good for those who like writing it out, but I don’t have prompts linked to the PDF file.

* If you want PDFs of the above examples, click here.

FYI: These posts about contextualization maps build on my previous post called “Evangelism or Elevator Pitch?”

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