Short Video Introduction to “Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes”

Short Video Introduction to “Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes” May 22, 2019

What if we read Romans with “Eastern eyes”? Ask yourself, “What would we see?”

This short video considers that question. At the same time, it introduces Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes: Honor and Shame in Paul’s Message and Mission. After watching it, you will understand why I think this topic matters so much for anyone who wants to understand not only Romans but also the Bible.

For a limited time, the book is available at the discounted price for those who pre-order. (BTW, the Kindle version is now available!)

Table of Contents

Foreword by E. Randolph  Richards


1. How to Read with Eastern Eyes
2. Paul’s Mission Frames His Message (Rom 1, 15)
3. Dishonoring God and Ourselves (Rom 1–2)
4. Distinguishing “Us” and “Them” (Rom 2)
5. Christ Saves God’s Face (Rom 3)
6. Who Is Worthy of Honor? (Rom 4)
7. Faith in the Filial Christ (Rom 5–6)
8. The Hope of Glory Through Shame (Rom 5–8)
9. Shamed from Birth? (Rom 7)
10. They Will Not Be Put to Shame (Rom 9–11)
11. Honor One Another (Rom 12–13)
12. The Church as “Harmonious Society” (Rom 14–16)

Discussion Guide


Author Index
Subject Index
Scripture Index

I previously posted a few early reviews of the book. Here are a few more.

“Brilliantly presented! Jackson W. masterfully retraces Paul’s use of the Tanakh, the prevailing worldview of honor and shame, and subverts our settled view of Romans. With crystalline prose and energetic bursts of insight, this scholarly work with modern-day relevancy is highly recommended.”

Samuel E. Chiang, president and chief executive officer, The Wycliffe Seed Company

“How can I follow Jesus without forsaking my parents, my people, and my country? This question concerns everyone from the Californian surfer dude to the Harvard humanities professor. Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes is an impressive book that goes a long way in answering these universal questions. Jackson W. uses shame and honor to give us a far richer understanding of the message of Romans.”

Sam Chan, City Bible Forum, Australia

“The epistle to the Romans stands for Paul’s efforts in reaching out to communities in Rome, a city epitomized by the ideology of law and justice. That explains the reason why the epistle appears to be dominated by the theme of law and guilt. However, Paul, a former Pharisee, was indoctrinated and saturated with an Eastern heritage—namely, the Jewish culture. Furthermore, the community to which Paul was addressing consisted mainly of diaspora Jews, a group of easterners sojourning in a western city. Hence, the epistle to the Romans was like an archeological site loaded with multiple layers of cultures.

In this book, Jackson W. digs deeper into the cultural root of this epistle. The lens through which he reinterprets should be considered legitimate and ought to be taken seriously. As a theologian trained in the West, Jackson—just like Paul—makes all efforts of rendering the gospel relevant to the honor-shame type of Asian cultures. By doing this, he restored the original cultural nuances of both the author and the audiences of this powerful text.”

Zhiqiu Xu, associate professor of theology, coordinator of Chinese seminary studies, Columbia International University


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