Lousy Parents and the Case for Unkempt Souls

Lousy Parents and the Case for Unkempt Souls February 27, 2014

Lousy Parents and the Case for Unkempt Souls

When is your parish like my garden?  Most of the time.  Now up at New Evangelizers, my latest installment in the Rethinking Religious Education conversation:

This is how God sees us.  Not because He’s a lousy gardener, but because we’re lousy gardeners.  He gives each of us free will, and He gives each of us a share in the work of the Kingdom of Heaven.  And He lets us do that work, even though it means we’re going to forget this, and fail at that, and try the other random Bright Idea! that totally, completely, will not succeed, ever.

Like wind-sown cone-flowers popping up in the strangest places, could-be disciples sprout up all over our parishes.  Leggy, awkward, ill-mannered — never where, or how, or when we want them.  Sure, they’re blocking the path to the hose . . . but they aren’t weeds.

Read the rest here.

And if Gardening + Catholic is your scene, consider reading one of Margaret Rose Realy’s books for Lent.


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