Call for Writers: Catholic Mom’s Annual Gospel Reflection Collection

Call for Writers: Catholic Mom’s Annual Gospel Reflection Collection August 18, 2015

A reader reminded me I wrote something half-decent that ran this past week at  Following some thoughts on the Bread of Life discourse:

When I enter a Catholic church, am I aware that I’ve just stepped into the court of the King of the Universe? Do I treat my time in His presence with the solemnity, majesty, and awe that such a visit deserves?

Maybe you, too, like to pray over the scriptures and reflect on them.  If so, that can be your name in print for 2016. has an open call for volunteers, motherhood is not a prerequisite for next year’s Gospel Reflection team:

Because I know what a blessing this project has been for our team of writers and I believe in dreaming BIG, I’ve decided to “cast wide the nets” for 2016 and vastly expand our team of Daily Gospel Reflection writers. Our goal for next year is to offer reflections by 366 different voices. To participate, you do not need to be an experienced writer or a mom. We are seeking varied voices: students, singles and married folks, priests and religious, parents, grandparents, youth and the young at heart… in short, we are seeking YOU!

Click here to fill out our volunteer form.

So what’s involved? Each volunteer is asked to write one 300 word reflection on an assigned gospel passage. You do not need to have formal writing experience, simply a desire to reflect upon and prayerfully share the Gospel.

Participating in these projects was one of the best decisions I ever made.  Truly a blessed opportunity for any Catholic writer, brand new or seasoned.  Prayerfully consider joining the team.

We need YOU for 2016!

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