The kindle edition was available ahead of the official launch date, but I’m pleased to announce that The How-To Book of Evangelization: Everything You Need to Know but No One Ever Taught You is now showing up “in-stock” at Our Sunday Visitor.
Tomorrow (Tues. 6/30) at 1pm Eastern I’ll be doing a free webcast introducing the book. Topics I’ll be covering:
- Why I Wrote this Book
- Top Four Most Important Topics in this Book
- My First Attempts at Evangelizing (Yikes!)
- When to Speak, When to Hush
- Keeping Jesus Center Stage
- Helping Someone Heal from Church-Induced Disgust
Time permitting I’ll be taking open Q&A at the end, but you can always submit additional questions via this blog’s discussion group on Facebook.
Need captions? Until/unless we can get a clean transcript directly from the webinar, I’ll post my copy of my prepared talk over at my personal blog immediately after the webinar. If there is time for open Q&A, I’ll turn those topics into blog posts so that you can get all pertinent info, admittedly in a cleaned-up and more thorough version than my initial attempts at winging-it.
If you enjoy this blog, I think you’ll enjoy the book. My fantastic editor managed to straighten me out and reign me in on my most egregious rants and raves, but you can expect the same level of no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is you have come to love or dread.
For those who have noticed I’m a hot mess, be assured: This book represents years of notes I’ve been taking from the people who have it together in evangelization. I went to the experts, thanks!
The book brings to you a compendium of useful ways to help your friends grow closer to God, taken from the experiences of many, many Catholic evangelists of all kinds, most of them just ordinary Catholics in the pews. You aren’t supposed to do it all! In reading the book the hope is that you can find yourself somewhere in there and figure out your own small part to play as a member of the Body of Christ. Enjoy!
Cover art for The How-to Book of Evangelization by Jennifer Fitz, courtesy of Our Sunday Visitor.