March 26, 2014

Over at the Catholic Writers Guild blog, I follow-up to yesterday’s film recommendation, since I might need to clarify a thing or two before my readers start gasping: I recently recommended a film that, on its face, is exactly the sort of thing I don’t approve.  Laden with profanity, the story follows a handful of crass, immature, impulsive boys on a trip through adolescence gone wrong, with no firm moral grounding for a finish.  If our criteria for “Catholicity” is... Read more

March 25, 2014

  The feast of the Annunciation is also the feast of St. Dismas, for reasons that Taylor Marshall explains here.  “Dismas” is one of the names traditionally ascribed to the penitent thief who was crucified alongside our Lord.  It’s only fitting that such a saint be commemorated under all his aliases. On the 19th we observed the solemnity of St. Joseph, the patron of happy death because he died, it is said, with Mary and Jesus beside him.  So did... Read more

March 23, 2014

From my Daily Roman Missal this morning, some thoughts on prayer that were just the kick in the pants I needed: The wonder of prayer is revealed beside the well where we come seeking water: there, Christ comes to meet every human being.  It is he who first seeks us and asks us for a drink. Jesus thirsts; his asking arises from the depths of God’s desire for us.  Whether we realize it or not, prayer is the encounter of... Read more

March 21, 2014

Sick here.  Not quite ER sick, but definitely Lay down and don’t blog sick.  Prayers appreciated.  I’ll be back at it as soon as I’m able. Thanks! Read more

March 18, 2014

Elizabeth Duffy poses the question, “When Will My Work as a Catechist Bear Fruit?”   Take a look at her post, and then I’d like to answer that question with a story I first shared a couple years ago, and which is no less true today.  In other reprints apropos to Betty Duffy’s post: For those who didn’t see it when it first ran, here’s my answer to the “slacker parents” situation.  And here I am again, arguing not just for... Read more

March 16, 2014

Completely forgot in the Sunday links: I’m the author of today’s Gospel reflection at If I’m not getting the right message when God sends his messengers, I’m setting myself up for the holy whapping. I’m on the holy mountain, but I don’t know what to do with myself. My spiritual life in 500 words. Read the whole thing here.   Read more

March 16, 2014

Music for your Sunday, with a slideshow: Rossini’s O Salutaris, recorded live during Eucharistic Adoration. Frank Weathers posts the 1808 “Little Guide to Lent.” Or you can see the original text here, on Google books.  Want to understand Church history? Read historic documents. Darwin Catholic posts St. Josemaria quotes on penance.  Confirming what I’d long suspected: If you want to be a saint, love God, do your work, and don’t complain. An almsgiving opportunity: St. Augustine set to Rhythm &... Read more

March 15, 2014

  We Patheos Catholics received a letter recently from a distressed catechist: The kids don’t know a thing about the faith, the parents just want the First Communion party, and everyone seems happy to settle for a platter of American Culture with Catholic Dressing on the Side. Christian LeBlanc ably answers the question of how to teach the last few classes of the year. I’d like to back up and answer the question from a different angle.  Take a deep... Read more

March 14, 2014

Teaching tip of the day: If you want your child to improve his proofreading skills, buy a box of these.  Then offer a reward for every typo found in a published work.  Suddenly a teenage boy will get very, very interested in proper grammar and spelling. *** In addition to teaching an editing class this year (until I went on sick leave, anyhow), I also put together a course in Apologetics for Kids.  It didn’t work out quite how I... Read more

March 13, 2014

  What is the Christian response to suffering? This is the second in a series, and the first post is here. People often ask, “How can a good God allow evil?”  We can approach the question from a number of directions, and before I continue, let me observe: Sometimes people who ask that question are really saying something else. What they mean is: This hurts. I feel like I am completely alone. I just want this nightmare to end. Help... Read more

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