Pray for Bob again

Pray for Bob again February 22, 2006

I keep asking you to pray for Bob and Linda and the kids because they need our prayers; here’s an update from Matt Robinson last night.

Hi, all. Today is Tuesday, Feb. 21. Thank you all for your love and prayers. Linda said this morning was not a good morning. Bob was very agitated during the times he was awake. It’s discouraging in the ups and downs. They have not been able to insert the feeding tube. He has a lot of air and buildup inside, so they are trying to solve that before they can insert the feeding tube. Please pray for wisdom for the medical staff, relief and healing for Bob’s body and comfort for Linda and the kids, who still have not seen him. Last night he was more normal and feeling better, but this morning was difficult. Good days and bad days. Please pray that Linda has an encouraging evening and refreshment spending time with the kids. Here’s the scoop on meals. I think we can move into the week of March 5-11. Thank you all!

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