Now Brewing: Red Barn Coffee

Now Brewing: Red Barn Coffee June 5, 2009

RedBarn.jpgGood stuff, this Red Barn coffee. We are drinking Red Barn Espresso, dark roast, and it has a nice taste and great aroma. It’s bold and zesty with just a hint of a smoky taste. It leans toward the burnt side, but just barely … and I don’t like the burnt stuff and I really like this one. Good crema…. just right.

What’s the best coffee you’ve had of late? Who has tasted this fine stuff from Red Barn? (If you’re in Boston, you can get it at Faneuil Hall.)

I brew this stuff in a Rancilio Silvia, and the crema was nice. A friend was over and I asked him to smell the beans and try a cup and he wanted more.

This stuff is roasted in Hopkinton, Massachusetts. When you can get those New Englanders out of a Dunkin’ Donuts and roasting their own stuff, they know what to do — and Red Barn does it well.


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