Study the Bible in a Cohort

Study the Bible in a Cohort February 11, 2019

I’ve been teaching for 37 years and the best experiences I have had teaching have been the cohorts at Northern Seminary. The combination of a week-long intensive with an active Facebook cohort page along with trips abroad for 10plus days … the classes become a fellowship of friends, of fellow followers of Jesus, and a classroom joy that transcends ordinary classes.

Think of joining us this summer. We begin with a one-week intensive but then the classes during the school year can be on campus or in our innovative Northern Live alternative. Think about enrolling.

A whole new perspective. One night a week. From anywhere in the world.

Transform the way you do life and ministry with Northern Seminary’s Master of Arts New Testament degree in whatever format works best for your busy life.

Classes are held just once a week so you can still work in the church, have a job and spend time with your family.

Regardless if you are with us in person at our state of the art facilities or through our easily accessible Northern Live online platform, you get the opportunity to interact with our Faculty at Northern Seminary.

By studying the New Testament in a Jewish and Greco-Roman context, the life of Jesus, Paul, Peter and John — among other characters like Junia and Priscilla and Phoebe and Mary — are seen in a refreshingly new way. Class after class, you will feel your confidence rising as a competent minister of the gospel, built on a solid foundation of biblical understanding and application.

For more information, reach out to our admissions department or visit the website anytime at

Spots are open, so apply today!

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