August 16, 2018

There have been witches in all societies, including societies that aggressively hunted and killed them. There are good reasons why people practice witchcraft even at great risk to their lives: because it’s necessary. If the only options are submission or witchcraft… well, that’s a pretty clear choice, isn't it? Read more

August 14, 2018

If you’ve asked if Cyn and I are a couple, or if you’ve wondered about it but didn’t ask, I don’t want an apology. I don’t want you to mind your own business. I want you to abandon the unstated assumptions of patriarchal culture and start building a consent culture. Read more

August 12, 2018

We live in fearful times – or so we’re told. Politicians attempt to exploit our fears, while others claim fear is only an illusion and attempt to shame those who are afraid. Sometimes fear is rational. Other times it’s not. Most times it’s a little of both, and that makes it really complicated. But through reason and experience, we can keep fear from controlling our lives. Read more

August 9, 2018

Even if there is One True Way, we have no way of knowing which one it is. If your standard is certainty, your only honest alternative is to be an agnostic and accept that you can know nothing. Or perhaps, choosing the “right” religion isn’t what’s most important. Read more

August 7, 2018

I’ve had a running conversation with a Christian who asks a lot of questions. Most of them are reasonable-sounding questions, but they carry assumptions that are not relevant to a worldview grounded in polytheism… including the assumption that nothing of value is lost when entire religions are wiped from the face of the Earth. Read more

August 5, 2018

If you go about your religion (or lack thereof) and respect everyone else’s right to do the same, this isn’t directed at you. This is for those who turn their religion into a competitive sport. You don’t have the One True Way, and you aren’t going to win. Read more

August 2, 2018

Every era has had their rich eccentrics – ours is no different. But attempting to escape the Earth and mortality and the consequences of industrial society while leaving everyone else behind? Both history and myth say it’s not going to work. Read more

July 31, 2018

What do you say to someone who argues that widespread conversion to Christianity means their way is the one true way? You start with the kind of history they don’t teach in Sunday School. The Old Gods never really went away, and our polytheist religions have been rebooted. Read more

July 29, 2018

Someone asked why we should make oaths, since “life will make you break every oath you take.” I completely disagree with that statement. But the question of why we should make oaths is valid, and one we would do well to consider. Read more

July 26, 2018

Author Terry Pratchett said First Sight is when you can see what's really there, not what your head tells you ought to be there. One of the best ways to develop the Second Sight is to master the First Sight. Read more

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