June 24, 2018

We all bear many burdens, neither fair nor just, for our world is none of these things. Together we preserve Ma’at, an eternal struggle, by nurturing truth and justice. Alone the burden is unbearable, but together our strength is unimaginable. Read more

June 21, 2018

If you want to be a hero, here’s your chance. But this is not a binary choice – there are more possibilities than hero or collaborator. If you’re not up to heroic deeds, then do what you can do. Find your place in the resistance, and find your place in the restoration. Read more

June 19, 2018

There is a hunger for the first-hand experience of the Gods. But in order to recognize and understand these experiences, we must build a polytheist context and develop our awareness of the Gods. Read more

June 17, 2018

Angelo Nasios argues that Hellenism is the culture of the Greeks. Does that mean that Paganism is the culture of Pagans? I’m sure of one thing: Paganism is a lot more than what Pagans believe. Read more

June 14, 2018

I would not throw the Masterpiece baker in jail. But neither would I tell the couple he refused to serve “it’s no big deal – just go somewhere else.” Because this is a big deal. We cannot allow bigotry and homophobia to go unchallenged. Read more

June 12, 2018

Welcome to Conversations Under the Oaks, a monthly Q&A feature. This is your chance to ask me anything. This month we talk about self-initiation, talking with the Gods, journeying in the Otherworld, and the Pagan blogs I read on a regular basis. Read more

June 10, 2018

Many traditional activities for the Summer Solstice are designed for large groups, but many Pagans are solitary practitioners, either by choice or by necessity. Here are eight things you can do to celebrate the Summer Solstice as a solitary. Read more

June 7, 2018

On rare occasions I have dreams that can only be described as prophetic. They have a unique feel to them that clearly marks them as non-ordinary, but I cannot describe that feeling to myself, much less to someone else. But when I have one, there is no question that I need to take it very seriously. Read more

June 5, 2018

The Supreme Court did not say bakeries can refuse service to same sex couples. The court said Masterpiece didn’t get a fair and unbiased hearing. That just kicked the can down the road. Read more

June 4, 2018

Philip Carr-Gomm announced that he is beginning a two-year transition to step aside as Chosen Chief of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. At the Summer Solstice in 2020, Eimear Burke will become OBOD’s first new Chief in over 30 years. Read more

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