First Germany. Then Korea. Now PAKISTAN!

First Germany. Then Korea. Now PAKISTAN! June 18, 2008

Remember my New Year’s Resolution to finally take over the world? (If not, see New Year’s Resolution #1: Take Over World.) You may have scoffed at my ambitions. Well, scoff while you can, monkey-person! Because while you’ve been lolling about, eating pizza, surfing the web, and wondering what the word “loll” actually means, I’ve been stealthily executing Plan A.

I knew it was only a matter of time before the major, international media outlet The Pakistan Spectator approached me for an interview. I had their questions answered and sent back to them before I’d finished that morning’s cup of coffee.

Hey: You snooze, you lose your chance at world domination. (And, in retrospect, I now see it’s best to wait until I’ve had coffee before doing any major online interviews. I know this knowledge will serve to make me an even wiser dictator.)

Read my interview with The Pakistani Spectator here — if you dare!

(Oh: the “First Germany. Then Korea.” thing refers to how one of my books — Penguins — has been translated into German and Korean. Another of my books, I’m OK-You’re Not, is also being translated into Korean.)

Now, on to some of the Canadian provinces!!


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