Reformation Redux: Eight Ways Indulgences Then = the Gay Issue Today

Reformation Redux: Eight Ways Indulgences Then = the Gay Issue Today March 19, 2012

The splitting of Christianity in two—what I (and others, somewhere, I assume) call Christian Reformation II—is being occasioned by the gay issue, which in many ways is to the Christian church today what the sale of indulgences were in the days of Luther.

Like the sale of indulgences then, the condemnation of gay people now:

  1. is morally wrong.
  2. is an institutionalized abuse of power.
  3. is founded upon gross misreadings and misapplications of Scripture.
  4. capitalizes on people’s fear.
  5. terribly victimizes untold numbers of everyday people.
  6. calls for the shucking off of religious authority and the reclamation of a personal, one-on-one relationship with God.
  7. is fueled by a new and widespread communication technology. *
  8. was always destined for the dust heap of history.

*The printing press then; the Internet now.

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