The only way to find yourself

The only way to find yourself May 19, 2012

(This is a continuation of The Bible vs. God?)

Here’s the great thing: no matter where any of us comes down on the question of hell, we all find ourselves—today, right now—in the exact same place.

Whether you believe that hell is real and literal, a metaphor, an absurd notion, or even if you believe that Christianity and every other faith-based belief system in the world is an unfunny joke, you still presently find yourself in the exact same position as everyone else.

And that is being in the position of wanting to feel good about yourself. Every person in the world wants to know that they are honorable, decent, truly respectable. We all want the peace and equanimity that comes from knowing that, at any given moment, we are the best versions of ourselves that we can be.

And how do any of us achieve a lasting version of that highest kind of contentment?

By loving each and every one of our neighbors with all of our mind, body, and soul.

We may differ in our beliefs about how we came to be here; we may differ in our beliefs about where we’re going. But during the time that we are here each and every one of us lives under the rule of one universal and irreducible truth: the only way to find ourselves is to lose ourselves in love for others.

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