Send your resentments up in smoke for Easter 2013

Send your resentments up in smoke for Easter 2013 March 27, 2013


[UPDATE: It’s done. Pictures are up.]

Last year for Easter over two hundred people sent me resentments that they were carrying and desired to be rid of. I prayed over each and every one of those resentments, and then brought them to a church, where, on the dawn of Easter morning, they were burned to ashes in a bonfire. (See The Burning of the Resentments.)

This Easter we’re again doing The Burning of the Resentments. If you’ve been burdened with a resentment that you would like consumed in the flames of an Easter Vigil fire, send me that resentment. I’ll pray over it, and then, this Saturday night (March 30), I’ll bring it to Trinity Episcopal Church in Escondido, CA, where your resentment will be committed to the fire of an 8 p.m. Easter Vigil service.

Send your resentment to me at, through this site’s Contact Me page, or leave it (anonymously or otherwise) in the comments section below.

This is a really healing thing. As I have a great many reasons to know, it works. So if you’ve been burdened by a resentment that you would like to go up in flames during a ceremony that is all about the greatest possible rebirth and renewal, let’s do it. Let’s turn that resentment to ashes and smoke rising up to heaven.


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