The three-letter word that causes wars

The three-letter word that causes wars October 27, 2013

riverThe truth of God is the truth of God. In order to communicate, share, and pass on the revealed truths of God, we are compelled to give those truths form and structure: a process of worshipping, an organization, a book.

Ultimately, inevitably, a religion.

Because our souls tell us that the truth of God does not change, we tend to believe that our religion—the systematic forms of God’s truths to which we subscribe and call our own—must likewise remain unchanged.

What we love we try to contain, hold, grasp, control.

But (as somewhere deep inside of us, we all know) the truth of God no more fits into any one religion than an ocean fits into any one cup. The spirit of God—the discrete essence of His-Her creative love—animates all people, all animals, all plants, all things. That essence is, always has been, and always will be everywhere and in all.

We step into God’s river where we are, how we are, when we are. And that clean, crisp, ever-moving water keeps us afloat and carries us along, delivering us to exactly the places all along its banks that we most need to be.

But ours is not the only river of living water. Many rivers all over the world are right now carrying people to all the places that they most need to be. Such rivers always have. Such rivers always will.

I am a Christian. I know that Christianity is the right and true religion.

I also know it’s the word the in that statement which causes infinite pain and strife. That is the word that causes war.

So let me confess my faith in a different way. Let me say instead that I know that Christianity is a right and true religion.

But can Christianity be the only right and true religion?

Is there only one river in the world?


For a Christianity that leaves in Christ but drops the inanity, visit/like Unfundamentalist Christians. Read the UC group blog here.

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