Be Still

Be Still April 15, 2014

I said goodbye to a group of friends I’d met up with for dinner with the intentions of heading home. However my feet had other plans and I ended up here

The United States Capitol


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My Bible was with me and almost as soon I opened the familiar pages I received a phone call. Yesterday was a hard day. My mom was calling to make sure I was okay. Yesterday was a reminder of things lost…

 things still unrestored

…. things still unwhole

…things unredeemed

As the tears ran down my cheeks I expressed to my mom how much the pain threatened to overshadow God’s presence. After I hung up the phone, I opened my Bible to the Psalms – the first place I often turn to when I feel overwhelmed. 

My eyes fell on Psalm 46:10

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 To be honest I skimmed over the verse and started to rush off to the next one. That verse is one of those that I hear quite often and tend to tune out because of the familiarity. Instead of reading another verse, I simply gazed upon the Capitol. 

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It was a beautiful evening!

Slightly overcast, warm weather, quiet and peaceful. I thought about all of the important men that had strolled through the halls of the famous building, all of the landmark laws that had been crafted, and how history had been changed from the rooms in the Capitol. 

I glanced back at the verse

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

The words seemed to leap off the page this time. Looking back at the Capitol, in all her glory, it hit me…

….this building

…this city

….this nation

….this trial

…this heartache

…and even these joys

All pale in comparison to the Sovereignty of God. He will be exalted above the nations and in the earth. His plans and His purposes will come to fruition.

At the end of history, when all is said and done on this earth – who will have the final victory?

My God!

The commandment in that verse is to be still and know. It’s easy to romanticize that verse. Walk through any Christian bookstore and Psalm 46:10 will be plastered all over wall art and greeting cards. However, I believe that commandment isn’t a charge to sit forever pondering the truths of God. While times of rest and re-treatment are needed and commanded, I believe that this verse bores much deeper than the serene picture we often think of.

Being still isn’t enough. You could sit all day by yourself in peace and quiet, but still not be at peace. The true rest comes in the latter part of the commandment. Know that I am God. 

The command to be still and know that He is God is a charge to live consistently with the peace of God that transcends all circumstances. 

It is a stillness of heart.

It is a deep trust in the Lord and in His character.

It it an acknowledgement that God is sovereign.

Beloved, I urge you to seek to look beyond your circumstances. They are temporary. They are light and momentary. Fix your gaze firmly upon Christ.

He is your Rock.

He is your Salvation.

He is your Deliverer.

He is your Peace.

Press into the Lord and learn of His great love and care for you. Remind yourself of His promises. Meditate on His truths.

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