Interview with Citizen Way

Interview with Citizen Way March 11, 2016
Citizen Way sophomore album, 2.o  is set to released on March 11th. The band is currently on the Rock & Worship Roadshow tour with Newsboys, Mandisa, Phil Whickham and others.  
Their album feels like catching up with an old friend, hearing tales of sorrow, growth and change. I had the change to chat with Ben Calhoun, lead singer of the band about the album, their music,  and the heartbreaking miscarriage that sparked the first single off the album, “When I’m With You.” Interviewing him felt like talking with a friend,  something that struck me about Ben was how down to earth he was, and everything he said was drenched in passion for God’s word love for his Savior.  

 Can you tell me a little more about your new album?

BC: We named our album 2.0 after 1 Corinthians 2:4, which is also where some of the lyrics from the song “Set It On Fire”. “And My speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.” We’ve entered into a new season in our personal lives and for the band. One of the band members retired (the band is currently composed of Ben Calhoun, Jopsh Calhoun and David Blascoe), and my wife and I lost a little baby boy this past summer.

As an artist, there’s pressure to come up with new stuff, and it can be overwhelming at times. For me, it’s always been about God’s word. Every song on the album has a verse in it, or is inspired by a verse. The song, “All My Cares” was inspired  of 1 Peter 5:7 – “Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” I’m a professor of music at Judson University in Chicago, and my students sang on that track, which was such a sweet experience.

 Do You Have A Favorite Track Off The Album?

BC: All of them! That’s like asking who my favorite child is – I love them all!

  Can you tell me a little more about you and your wife’s experience with the miscarriage that inspired the single, “When I’m With You?”

BC:  We lost our precious son, Jeremiah last summer. We actually got to hold him in our hands for a few moments. When you experience death that closely , you experience life in a whole new way. It’s puts a lot in perspective, and reminds me of the sweet blessings from the Lord that I do have.  I truly believe that when you experience pain at that level, you experience joy at a new and much deeper level

Who Inspires You?

BC: Not to be cliché, but walking with the Lord constantly inspires me. His word is the inspiration for my songs, and for my life. Also, life with my family and my wife is a huge inspiration. Someone once told me to write what I know, so that’s what I strive to do, write about the experiences I’ve gone through, hopefully that inspires others walking through similar experiences!

 If You Could Tell The World One Thing, What Would It Be?

Jesus loves you!


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