The God Who Sees Sarah Thebarge

The God Who Sees Sarah Thebarge August 9, 2012

There are faith-communities that still forbid women from preaching.  I grew up in a community like that. Girls and boys weren’t even allowed to study the bible together once we reached puberty. I guess all those adults worried that all that talk of who beget who might stir up the wrong passions inside of us. Or maybe it was all that rape and incest stuff they were hoping to avoid.

I have female blogger friends who spend a great deal of time and energy railing against this sort of mentality. I’m too tired to rail on this subject matter much. Too many other important issues to rail against. Some of which I may actually be able to impact.

But this week I came across the best argument ever for allowing women to preach.

Her name is Sarah Thebarge.

She has a book coming out next spring with Jericho Books. Sarah is an amazing writer and courageous spirit and all things bright and beautiful. A two-time breast cancer survivor.

She preached this past Sunday at Portland’s Imago Dei and you simply must make time to listen to Sarah. Seriously. Just click this link and listen. Sarah preached a sermon in the way only a woman could have.

And after you listen to her amazing sermon 0n The God Who Sees, click on Jericho Books link for more information about her forthcoming book The Invisible Girls. 

Do I know the most awesome people or what?

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