FUNNY, OR NOT SO MUCH? Episcopal Church in SF Pulls Offensive Video From the Web

FUNNY, OR NOT SO MUCH? Episcopal Church in SF Pulls Offensive Video From the Web November 3, 2010

Earlier today, I read Tom Peters’ (American Papist) blog post about the removal of an offensive video from the web. The YouTube video showed the female pastor of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in San Francisco mocking the papal popemobile. Apparently, Tom noted, the church didn’t want this controversial clip going viral.

It’s sort of too late—the word is out. Tom’s blog, which has been featured on the Today Show and MSNBC, among others—is one of the best known Catholic blogs on the Internet.

With the popemobile in the news today, I thought I’d post a couple of photos from my own collection. The first, from our family’s first trip overseas, was snapped at the papal audience on October 18, 2000. The second photo—me with the popemobile!—was taken in September 2005, when I led a Legatus pilgrimage to the Eternal City. I always laughed about that one because the rear view mirror, popping out from behind my head, looks amazingly like a cartoon thought balloon.

Can anyone remember the correct term for a stupid photo error?  And if this really was a thought balloon, what would I be saying?

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