The World’s First Superman Coronavirus Fighter

The World’s First Superman Coronavirus Fighter March 6, 2024

Some 62-year guy in Germany has been “hypervaccinated” with 217 COVID-19 vaccination shots by his own choosing. It came to the attention of German law enforcement and then health authorities due to a fraud investigation. But the details of it appear to remain secret. He had 130 of these 217 coronavirus vaccinations in a period of nine months. When asked why he did it, he said it was for “private reasons.” His case was reported Monday in the Lancet Infectious Diseases medical journal.

When discovered, this fellow then agreed to be tested by German health authorities. They expected that his immune cells, called “T-cells,” would be “fatigued” and thus not so useful in fighting off infection. Turns out it is just the opposite. Researchers said his case reveals that coronavirus vaccines have a “good degree of tolerability.” Yes, and this guy is now super immune. Can we call him Superman Coronavirus Fighter?

His story was reported yesterday in The Washington Post (“What happened after a man got 217 coronavirus shots?“). Katharina Kocher, one of the lead authors of this study, said of it, “Overall, we did not find any indication for a weaker immune response, rather the contrary.” The man’s antibodies against the coronavirus “increased significantly as a result.”

Even though researchers said they did not find any evidence that the man had ever contracted COVID-19, they said they did not recommend this guy’s unique regimen for avoiding the virus. Nevertheless, while medical researchers were taking blood samples and other tests of him, he insisted on continuing his regimen by asking for another COVID shot!

It seems the researchers refused his request because they said, “we do not endorse hypervaccination as a strategy to enhance adaptive immunity.” I wonder if this guy can still remain the world’s first Superman Coronavirus Fighter if he doesn’t get his shot!

[See Kermit’s book, Moses Predicted COVID-19.]

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