December 23, 2024

Nearly all scientists who study global warming/climate change have been warning that most of it is due to humans burning fossil fuels since the onset of the Industrial Revolution, 150 years ago. One of its destructive results is that it is causing oceans to rise as a threat to flooding coastal areas. In the U.S. insurance companies are now beginning to withdraw their offerings of flood insurance in some coastal areas of Florida and other states. Yet president-elect Donald Trump... Read more

December 20, 2024

The word “Gog” appears only in two places in biblical prophecies, in Ezekiel 38-39 and Revelation 20.8. Some interpreters think these texts refer to the same prophetic event, whereas others, like me, do not. It often depends on your millennial position. Post-millennialists and a-millennialists usually equate these texts, whereas premillennialists, like me, do not. These viewpoints hinge mostly on “a thousand years” mentioned six times in Revelation 20. It says the deceased people of God “came to life and reigned... Read more

December 17, 2024

Archaeological Find of a Cross-shaped Amulet A Popular Mechanics online article today reports that a Christian amulet recently was discovered in 2018 in an archaeological dig of an ancient gravesite in Germany that may change some history about Christianity. This amulet is a silver cross about 1.4 inches tall with 18 lines of inscription in Latin. It dates back to between 240 and 270 AD. It was found in a gravesite on a human, male skeleton just below the bony remains... Read more

December 16, 2024

I wrote days ago about The Quest for the Historical Jesus at the Society of Biblical Literature’s Annual Meeting I attended late last month. I said this 250-year academic study has in the past few years entered into its fourth stage. Some call it the Fourth Quest for the Historical Jesus. It is by far the most extensive investigation ever undertaken by scholars of some famous person in history. This fourth stage or quest concerns only the accounts of Jesus... Read more

December 14, 2024

Many times, Jesus would heal someone and then tell that person and others not to spread the news about it. Yet occasionally, he healed someone and told that person to go tell others about it. Why this seeming contradiction? Jesus Told People Not to Tell about His Healings For example, at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, all three synoptists record that a leper came to Jesus and asked him to heal him. Mark records, “A leper came to him... Read more

December 10, 2024

Scottie Scheffler—the #1 pro golfer in Official World Golf Ranking for the past 82 consecutive weeks (he has been #1 for a total of 117 weeks)—has this evening been awarded Player of the Year by the PGA Tour. Only Tour players vote for this award, and 91% of them voted for Scheffler. Scottie solidified this position two days ago by winning the Hero World Challenge in the Bahamas for his ninth win in this 2024 calendar year. That tied the... Read more

December 9, 2024

There is a striking parallel in ancient history in which the prophets Jesus and Jeremiah similarly prophesied two separate attacks on their own nation of Israel that occurred forty years later, resulting in the destruction of Jerusalem. It shows God operates by the numbers. God Calls Jeremiah God called Jeremiah in about 627 B.C. at the young age of about twenty years. and he said to him, “I appointed you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1.5 NRSV). Jeremiah relates,... Read more

December 5, 2024

Annual Meeting of Society of Biblical Literature I’ve been a member of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) since 1999. During this time, I’ve attended all of its Annual Meetings except one. They are always held the weekend before Thanksgiving. Last weekend, I attended it at the large San Diego Convention Center in downtown San Diego, which is located near the Pacific Ocean. Every year, this gathering of thousands of Bible scholars takes place in about eight different cities in... Read more

December 5, 2024

The 1973 Oil Embargo The traditional two-state solution for the now sixty-year old Israeli-Palestinian conflict has always been a non-starter. I decided this fifty years ago, right after I became an interested observer of this conflict due to the 1973 oil embargo that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries foisted upon all nations that traded with Israel. That greatly affected the U.S. because it was Israel’s #1 ally and trading partner. The result of this oil embargo, which was greatly... Read more

November 20, 2024

4B Movement A female movement has started in South Korea called “the 4B movement. It is a radical feminist movement that opposes male dominance and overall mistreatment of women by advocating “4 Nos: (1) no dating men, (2) no sex with men, (3) no marriage with men, and (4) no children with men. It seems to be an extension of women refusing to have children. Low Birth Rates There is a serious problem in much of the world in which... Read more

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