Wild Goose Festival! For some of y’all those words get your tummies all a flutter with excitement.
For some of you, whut the heck are you talkin’ about??
And for some of my friends, even though they have been and dearly love this weird and wonderful festival, they can’t bring themselves to attend this year. Why? Because North Carolina. In light of the horrific HB2 and the important boycotts of NC, I can totally respect this decision.
I’ve struggled with that a bit too, but in the end I decided to go.
Most, if not all of the speakers and performers are from places other than NC. I want to see, hear, interact with and support them in whatever way I can.
The campground owned and operated by NC folks, hosts us back year after year knowing who our people are.
We are very visible (Bets and I walking through town holding hands) in a small, rural town. We can be present, gentle, happy, gracious and without apology, and maybe can help change hearts and minds.
Precisely because some officials in NC don’t want me there is all the more reason to show up and be visible. I don’t want NC to have my money but I don’t want to be kept from a sacred event that means a great deal to me. For me, it’s akin to letting the terrorists win.
I know of at least one WG staffer who is gay, who lives in NC and whose livelihood depends on WG.
That and, most of all, I believe it is more important than ever for Christians, LGBT and allies, to be HIGHLY visible in places where ignorance and loathing are the law of the land. What better witness to love, the love of God that is indefatigable, grace that is radical and peace that is in-breaking even still, can we be than to show up and explore and celebrate that love in plain view of those who do not yet know.
That is why I am going.