
Swiftly February 23, 2011

Revelation begins and ends with the promise that the things written in the book will “shortly” ( en tachei ) take place (1:1; 22:6). It’s seems a fairly colorless time indicator, but the phrase comes with some baggage from the LXX.

There, it is used only a handful of times, three of which are relevant to Revelation. Deuteronomy 11:17 and 28:20 both warn Israel that they will “perish quickly” ( en tachei ) from the land if they turn from Yahweh to other gods. The phrase thus gives an early hint that Revelation obviously reaches deep into the curse-passages of Deuteronomy for its imagery and teaching. Both of those passages, of course, describe curses that come “swiftly” against Israel in particular, curses of the covenant poured out on the covenant people.

The other significant use is in Psalm 2:12, with its warnings to “kings” to do homage to the Son because His anger might kindle “quickly” ( en tachei ), which would cause the kinds to “perish.” Psalm 2 is clearly picking up on the language of the Deuteronomic curses, but with some significant variations. In the Psalm, the Son King rather than Yahweh Himself is said to carry out the punishment. And, the warning in verses 10-12 is, presumably, addressed to all kings, whether Jew or Gentile, not just to Israel. Yahweh’s Son is King of kings and Lord of lords, and will shatter His enemies “quickly.” The time indicator at the beginning of Revelation points to the fact that Psalm 2 sets the terms of the Apocalypse.

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