Cardinal Wilfrid Napier Calls Cardinals Closer Since Last Conclave

Cardinal Wilfrid Napier Calls Cardinals Closer Since Last Conclave March 4, 2013

In another conversation with a Cardinal who will be selecting our next Pope, Catholic News Service interviews Cardinal Wilfrid Napier, Archbishop of Durban in South Africa, reflects on how the College of Cardinals is “closer” to one another than they were at the last Conclave. I love his reference to “googling” his fellow Cardinals!

Cardinal Napier is one of our “wired” shepherds at the Conclave with his own blog and an active Twitter presence. I love that in following the Cardinal’s tweets, average Catholics like me have the chance to interact in such an amazing way with the men who will be at the heart of this decision.

In other news, if you’re a Cardinal Napier fan consider a trip to the Durban Country Club for the Cardinal’s Golf Day. Looks pretty cool!

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