Does God Exist, Does Brandon Vogt Ever Sleep and Other Strange Notions

Does God Exist, Does Brandon Vogt Ever Sleep and Other Strange Notions May 15, 2013

Although it’s been widely covered across the Catholic blogosphere, the launch of the amazing new site Strange Notions has me starry-eyed. Here’s the fantastic trailer for the site:

Gorgeous, compelling, provoking – right?! But that video is only a tiny hint at what’s contained within the virtual walls of Brandon Vogt’s new masterpiece. From the site’s About page comes the answer to the question “What is” is the central place of dialogue between Catholics and atheists. It’s built around three things: Reason. Faith. Dialogue. Each day you’ll find articles, videos, and rich comment box discussion concerning life’s Big Questions.

The site is only a few weeks old, having been officially launched on May 6th. But it’s already full of not only fascinating articles and diverse perspectives, but also of compelling dialogue. I urge you to treat yourself to an hour at and then to share it with someone in your life who may be questioning everything you believe. This is the New Evangelization, done with style and substance.

And as to that question about whether or not the amazing Brandon Vogt ever sleeps, I believe the answer is no. God has surely granted the guy superpowers. What’s awesome is seeing how Brandon continues to apply his gifts in new and amazing ways!

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