Don’t Be a Google Ad… Or Do…

Don’t Be a Google Ad… Or Do… October 14, 2013

Shared Endorsements on Google

Plenty of my fellow blog readers enjoy using Google products and Google Plus, so I thought I’d share the warning that is making its way around the Internet about Google’s latest policy change to use our likeness in “shared endorsements”. This means that when you — as a Google user — +1 anything (the equivalent of “liking” it on Facebook), your name and profile picture can be used for advertising purposes.

To disable this feature, go to and unclick the box near the bottom of the page that says, “Based upon my activity, Google may show my name and profile photo in shared endorsements that appear in ads.” Then click “Save”. You will be asked to verify your choice.

Obviously this is a personal decision. And some of you may not mind participating in social advertising. Actually, most of us do so all the time when we “like” something on Facebook, but perhaps in a less pronounced fashion.

For more information on this topic, Mashable has a very helpful article.

A question for you: Are you on Google Plus? Do you use other Google products?

Update: While I’m on the topic of “geek stuff”, be sure to head over to the National Catholic Register for Sarah Reinhard’s awesome post on Catholics and CAPTCHA

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