Praying for Napa Families in Quake’s Wake

Praying for Napa Families in Quake’s Wake August 25, 2014


If you don’t know much about California or the agriculture industry, you might have laughed off the early morning Napa earthquake on Sunday with thoughts of your favorite wine and how the price might rise. Because when we hear “Napa”, we think “wine”, right?

In reality, this earthquake is likely to have devastating economic impacts for Napa area families for quite a long time. We Californians know that the region has already been dealt a challenging blow by our drought conditions. But even we might be surprised to learn that Napa County has one of the highest poverty rates in the state of California. I know that I certainly was! When the wine industry suffers, the workers and their families suffer too. Reports are already coming out about the hardship of such an event with harvest season soon approaching.

As for the Catholic “take” on the earthquake, Queen of the Valley hospital reported treating over 200 patients. Catholic high school Justin Sierra canceled classes and back to school night and is soliciting volunteers for clean up duties. St. John the Baptist, a Catholic elementary school, also canceled classes but mentioned the good news that a recent earthquake retrofitting was helpful to minimizing their damage. On their Facebook page, Catholic Charities for the Diocese of Santa Rosa requested volunteers for cleanup and shared that program participants were safe but help was needed.

A situation like an earthquake is a good reminder for us in California to prepare ourselves for emergencies. It’s also a reminder that our friends and neighbors may need help, support and prayers. I find myself today double checking my supply of batteries and bottled water, but also remembering that Napa is not simply made up of fancy wineries that function without a human component.

Our help is needed all year long, not just when things are “all shook up”.

To make a donation to Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa, click here.

Update: Fellow Patheos Catholic Blogger Jen Fitz shares that Kolbe Academy was impacted by the earthquake and is seeking support.

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