I apologize for the “radio silence” here at the blog. I’m on Day Five of sleeping at the hospital with my mom after her hip replacement surgery on Monday. Soon, I hope to have a post about all I’ve learned from this amazing week spent in her company and amidst so many compassionate health care workers. Until then, I’m very grateful for this week’s recap of all that I missed while spending this time with my hero, Mom.
I’m grateful to my friend John Clem, O.F.S. for this week’s Top Catholic Tweets:
- Papal Tweet: “Lord, help us to live the virtue of generosity, to love without limits.” (April 6th)
- CMF CURO is a Catholic Living Health Care Ministry offered by Christ Medicus Foundation (CMF) ow.ly/KUiL0
- Supreme Court rules in favor of pregnancy protection in the workplace :: Catholic News Agency (CNA) ow.ly/KUYdl
- AMERICA – The denunciation of Bishops after the visit in Texas: “Why imprison the most vulnerable?” (News.va) ow.ly/KUYlV
- Why Heaven Won’t Be Boring: What Seeing God Face To Face For The Rest Of Forever Means (Catholic365.com) ow.ly/KV3tn
- NEW at CatholicMom.com – Forums section added — join the discussion. catholicmom.com/
forums/ - History, truth, and politics: Researcher seeks to clear the record on Junipero Serra :: Catholic News Agency (CNA) ow.ly/KX4YO
- St. Francis and the Eucharist (Pat McCloskey, O.F.M. – American Catholic Blog) ow.ly/L1HMn
- This Bosnian Muslim Family Is Hand Carving A Special Chair For Pope Francis (Huff Post/AP) ow.ly/L25vi
- Presence of Jesus felt on Virginia Tech drill field (The Catholic Virginian) ow.ly/L28os
- U.S. Bishops: Stop Detention of Migrant Families (NCRegister.com) ow.ly/L2cZw
- U.S bill would help persecuted Christians in Iraq and Syria (Rome Reports) ow.ly/L2eV7
- ‘Apostle Paul’ Movie With Hugh Jackman Lands At Warner Bros. | Deadline ow.ly/L3jor
- Video: Resurrecting the Holy Stairs in Rome (CNS) ow.ly/L3n77
- Panel says assisted suicide operates with premise ‘some lives unworthy’ (Catholic News Herald) ow.ly/L3sFr
- Wall Street Journal, NY Times writer defend Indiana religious freedom law (CNA) ow.ly/L3tV0
- ISIS and the Cross (Fr. Robert Barron – Word On Fire) ow.ly/L3Eew
- Stray dogs show up at funeral to pay respects to lady who used to feed them | Daily Mail Online ow.ly/L57BE
- Pope Francis’s Divorce Dilemma (John Allen – TIME) ow.ly/L5PDT
- Francis outlines broad vision of human, compassionate priesthood | National Catholic Reporter ow.ly/L7JNc
- Pope Francis: Urbi et Orbi Message (News.va) ow.ly/Ldsbc
- A Tour of the Vatican’s Favorite Movies, Part 1: “Values” | ChurchPOP ow.ly/LeZSU
- Pope Francis is inspiring millennials to carry church into the community (The Washington Post) ow.ly/LdtCP
- The ‘surrender’ of a Syrian girl gives face to the plight of refugee children :: Catholic News Agency (CNA) ow.ly/LeZB4
- Pope Francis: Let our lives be conquered and transformed by the Resurrection (News.va) ow.ly/LeXRt
- Video: Pope Francis’ Easter message (CNS) ow.ly/Lfjq6
- The Resurrection Appearances “Chronologically” Arranged (Monsignor Charles Pope – Archdiocese of Washington) ow.ly/LfXqp
- Christ is Risen! Alleluia! | Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America ow.ly/LfXX1
- New updated site for Dominicana Blog dominicanajournal.org
- NEW Show: The Lens with Matt Weber – where millennials examine culture and trends through a faith-lens. (CatholicTV) ow.ly/LfMAz
- Massachusetts bishops speak out against death penalty for alleged Boston Marathon bomber (iobserve.org) ow.ly/Lgr5Z
- Not-So-Special Spirituality (Fr. Dan Horan, OFM – America Magazine) ow.ly/LgNk0
- NEW Show- Catholics Come Home: Athiest Returns Home (CatholicTV) ow.ly/LgWNw
- Video: Best images of Holy Week from Rome (Rome Reports) ow.ly/LiamQ
- Gun accidentally fires at Easter vigil Mass (Crux/AP) ow.ly/LiVnb
- World Health Day April 7th focuses on Food Safety (Vatican Radio) ow.ly/LiasV
- Alleluia! (Br. Timothy Danaher, O.P. – Dominicana) ow.ly/LiDKy
- Pope Made My Mother Stop Hating Catholics (NewsMax) ow.ly/Lj9eM
- Make a Wish Foundation helps arrange ‘Priest for a day’ is a wish that came true | (St. Louis Review) ow.ly/Ljb2j
- White House Easter Prayer Breakfast welcomes cross-section of Christians | CNS top stories ow.ly/Ljy57
- The Ordination Class of 2015 Shows Increase | America Magazine ow.ly/Ljyn5
- Free Retreats for Priests, Deacons, Brothers and Seminarians at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Alabama ow.ly/Lk8uL
- Pope: Children are never a mistake (Rome Reports) ow.ly/LlnZ0
- How the Holy See is using diplomacy to aid Christians in the Middle East :: Catholic News Agency (CNA) ow.ly/LluHj
- Comic book about Pope John XXIII to be re-released (Rome Reports) ow.ly/LnUzZ
- How to Learn the Paschal Greeting with a Tech Twist (Barb Gilman – Catechist’s Journey) ow.ly/LmK5P
- Kansas becomes first state to ban ‘dismemberment abortion’ :: Catholic News Agency (CNA) ow.ly/Lo5mQ
- Mass of celebration in Appomatox, Virginia to mark 150th Anniversary of end of American Civil War April 9th ow.ly/Lowk1
- Introducing Fr. Barron’s newest film series: ‘The Mystery of God’ | Word On Fire ow.ly/Lp6qo
- Why the Religious Freedom Restoration Act Works (Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty-USCCB) ow.ly/Lppgi
- Pope Francis and the Environment: Yale Examines Historic Climate Encyclical (video begins at 2 min.) ow.ly/LsoHr
- Pope Francis numbers: 829 saints and 677 blesseds in two years (Rome Reports) ow.ly/LuPIe
- Movement begins to have priest who died on the Titanic declared a saint (Deacon Greg Kandra – Patheos) ow.ly/LwSo7
- The pope called the Armenian slaughter a genocide, and Turkey’s not happy (John Allen – Crux) ow.ly/LvbBN
- Two Gifts of Deeper Prayer: Silence and Spaciousness « Archdiocese of Washington ow.ly/LvOeL
- How Pope Francis affected CNN’s Carol Costello (Carol Costello – CNN.com) ow.ly/LvKbP
- Newest Doctor of the Church: St Gregory of Narek (News.va) ow.ly/LwTBg
- Vatican abuse commission members: O’Malley passing concerns to Francis | National Catholic Reporter ow.ly/Lxmhj
- Two Storybooks To Help Elementary Students Put Faith in Action (USCCB) ow.ly/LyjNS
- Catholic Cuisine: Recipes for April ~ Month Dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament ow.ly/L2pBJ
- Minnesota beer company celebrates 15 years of feeding the hungry | National Catholic Reporter ow.ly/Lyj8n
- curbi: Amazing Parental Controls for Your Child’s iPhone, iPad or iPod touch (MacStories) ow.ly/LyIqX
- Have You Met The Dogma Dogs? (CatholicMom.com) ow.ly/LyINY
- Can Christians Smoke Marijuana, Get High, & Get Drunk? Answer from Scripture, Thomas Aquinas, Catechism (T. Marshall) ow.ly/LyOnn
- Video: NEW App: Youth MinisTinder (A Life Teen App) ow.ly/LyfK6
- America Media’s Virtual Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with James Martin, S.J. (April 19–25) ow.ly/Lz6rP
- Do more to help the poor, pope tells leaders at Summit of the Americas (CNS) ow.ly/Lz8wb
- Pontifical Academies launch anti-trafficking website (Vatican Radio) ow.ly/LAsJs
- 5 Tips for Parishes from Pope Francis (Sister Theresa Noble – Ignitum Today) ow.ly/LAuhF
- 5 Things Fulton Sheen Teaches Us About Social Media | Word On Fire ow.ly/LACTe
- Prayers for Haiti: Religious Sisters Protest Attacks on Their Houses (Aleteia) ow.ly/LAOCE
- Video: Nigerians pray for missing girls (CNS) youtu.be/G06ysMgHPJ8
- Video: The Great 50 days of Easter (Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land) ow.ly/LAPKs
- Laity called to be on ‘frontlines’ of using media in new evangelization (NCR) ow.ly/LBI1c
- Masters champion, product of Dallas Jesuit prep school, remains humble (CNS) ow.ly/LC218
- Strange but Rich Verses File: What does Acts 1:4 mean by saying Jesus was “eating salt with them” ? (ADW) ow.ly/LCu1V
- Hackers target the Vatican’s Web site over Pope Francis’ ‘genocide’ comment – The Washington Post ow.ly/LEeGK
- The Priestly Life of America’s Bishop | Dominicana ow.ly/LEi6E
- March for Marriage April 25, 2015 in Washington, D.C. ow.ly/LECui
- War of the sexes: Gender theory is the problem, not solution, pope says (CNS) ow.ly/LFtef
- Final report on Leadership Conference of Women Religious (News.va) ow.ly/LHamj
- Thanks, Sisters. (Fr. James Martin, SJ – America Magazine) ow.ly/LHxgx
- Pope Francis to visit Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay (news.va) ow.ly/LHwWt
- Footprints for Peace (Call To Holiness) ow.ly/LIETz
- (Trivia Quiz) Did Pope Francis Really Say That? (Catholic Link) ow.ly/LIMwT
- New movie & website– Media Apostle: The Father James Alberione Story (Daughters of St. Paul) mediaapostle.com
- Tweeting with GOD: Bold New Evangelization for a New Generation (Kathy Schiffer – Patheos) ow.ly/LIYGH
- Playing organ for New York teams is sports heaven for church musician | CNS top stories ow.ly/LIY9R
Year of the Consecrated Life (November 30, 2014 – February 2, 2016)
- Year of the Consecrated Life: The Dominican Sisters of Linden, VA ow.ly/Lkbrf
- Year of the Consecrated Life– Pope Francis: Vocations are about quality, not quantity (CNA) ow.ly/LAHoD
- Year of the Consecrated Life: Answering the Call Through Taxes (Sisters of Mercy) ow.ly/LE17r
Jubilee Year of Mercy (December 8, 2015 – November 20, 2016)
- The Pope to officially convoke the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy (News.va) ow.ly/Lr110
- Full Text: Misericordiae Vultus – Bull of indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy (The Vatican, April 11th) ow.ly/LvJfY
- Jubilee rituals down the centuries: Holy Doors and Hammers (News.va) ow.ly/Lr2ut
- The Measure of Mercy: Francis and the Extraordinary Jubilee Year (Dr. Jared Staudt – Catholic World Report) ow.ly/LiYOb
- Pope says Year of Mercy will be time to heal, to help, to forgive (CNS) ow.ly/LuPET
- Pope Francis’ Jubilee explained (CNS) ow.ly/Lygub

John Clem, O.F.S is the Director and Media Minister at Catholic Web Services (http://catholicws.com/). John is a professed member of the Secular Franciscan Order, and loves to share his talents in faith, technology, and journalism in service to the church. John also writes a blog entitled Call To Holiness (http://www.calltoholiness.