April 29, 2013

On an increasing basis, I find myself feeling “out of step”. I look at the world around me — a world I love and engage with and wouldn’t change if I could — and feel somehow out of sync. When I get this feeling, I’m reminded of my days as a high school “flag girl”. We twirled six foot “tall flags” to the beat of our school’s award winning marching band. This meant hours on end of marching drills, back... Read more

April 26, 2013

Recently, I received a review copy of the fascinating DVD In the Footprints of Francis and the Sultan: A Model for Peacemaking. A project of Franciscan Media, this project was funded by a variety of sources, including the USCCB’s Catholic Communication Campaign. One of my favorite movie reviewers, Sr. Rose Pacatte, recently called the film “a prophetic resource for our times”. Certainly, this DVD landed in my inbox at a timely moment when — once again — our country is... Read more

April 25, 2013

During my radio segment on this morning’s episode of the Son Rise Morning Show with Brian Patrick, my conversation with Brian took an interesting spin on the recent Boston Marathon tragedy and its aftermath. We are, of course, still waiting for the details of the investigation to unfold and as Americans, we seek to avoid a rush to judgment on the facts of the case. But the truth of the matter is that last week’s terror crime, investigation and manhunt... Read more

April 23, 2013

I’m waking up this morning in a sort of dream-like state. As I look out my window, I can see a beautiful grove of trees. Just beyond it sits the brown, brick studio where Mother Angelica began a global television station — EWTN, the Eternal Word Television Network — out of a garage. I am here to be a guest of the new television show being developed by my friend and fellow Catholic Mom author, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle. While we... Read more

April 22, 2013

Mother’s Day is coming up soon – one of my favorite holidays of the year, because I love to have the occasion to shower love upon my mother and mother-in-law. When I was growing up, Daddy always made a huge celebration out of the day. Even if there weren’t lavish gifts, there were always handmade cards, Mass as a family and breakfast in bed. My mom didn’t lift a finger on Mother’s Day – it was more about sharing our... Read more

April 21, 2013

… to explain that I’ve simply been unable to compose two coherent words for the past few days. With our son away at college in Cambridge and several friends in Boston, I was majorly preoccupied last week watching the events surrounding the Boston Marathon terrorist act unfold. Sometimes writing and blogging helps to distract from stressful moments like those, but in that wasn’t the case this time around. Several attempts fell pray to the “move to trash” button in our... Read more

April 15, 2013

Today, there are no words to express the extreme sorrow I feel as we watch the events related to the bombing in Boston unfold. As I type this, just a few hours after two bombs exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, news reports indicate that two have died (including an eight year old) and over 130 are reported injured. Of course, this mom’s thoughts immediately went to my own son, a student in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Given that it... Read more

April 15, 2013

If you were to ask me about some of my “most played” favorites on iTunes, near the top of the list would be the music from Advent at Ephesus by the amazing Benedictines of Mary, which was the theme music for my Advent season. So imagine my glee when I learned that these talented Sisters will soon be releasing a brand new project, Angels and Saints at Ephesus. I’ll share the details on this amazing project below, but I’d ask... Read more

April 14, 2013

Love this little video from Rome Reports, which gives an overview of the newly minted and über collectible Pope Francis Stickers and Album, called “The Album of Joy”. Haven’t succeeded in finding them for sale online anywhere, which is probably a good thing! Read more

April 13, 2013

Today I’m breaking my blog silence on something that has been on everyone’s mind this month, the abomination that is the Gosnell murder machine. I can’t bring myself to refer to this man who is currently on trial for eight counts of murder as “Doctor”. He is clearly a monster. I am opposed to the death penalty, but I hope that they find a very uncomfortable prison cell for this demon for the rest of his natural life. He deserves... Read more

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