May 16, 2013

From the Catholic geek files news desk comes the exciting update that our Holy Father, Pope Francis, will engage in a historic moment on Friday when he activates a brand new smartphone app called “Missio”. I’ll share the full press release below, but just have to say that this is a fascinating development in the New Evangelization. Having recently had the opportunity to attend and speak at the National Meeting for Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States, I truly... Read more

May 15, 2013

If you haven’t seen it yet, you simply must take five minutes and enjoy “Space Oddity”, the amazing video recently released by Astronaut Chris Hadfield performing David Bowie’s classic “Space Oddity” shot entirely in the International Space Station. By the time you read this, it’s fairly certain that the video will have been viewed over 8 million times on Youtube. As someone with wanderlust, I dream about one day having Hadfield’s view of God’s majesty on display. It’s so easy when watching... Read more

May 15, 2013

Although it’s been widely covered across the Catholic blogosphere, the launch of the amazing new site Strange Notions has me starry-eyed. Here’s the fantastic trailer for the site: Gorgeous, compelling, provoking – right?! But that video is only a tiny hint at what’s contained within the virtual walls of Brandon Vogt’s new masterpiece. From the site’s About page comes the answer to the question “What is” is the central place of dialogue between Catholics and atheists. It’s built... Read more

May 14, 2013

As one who has greatly enjoyed the work of Liguori Publications in recent years, my heart skipped a beat when I received the following press release regardling an upcoming change in leadership. I’ve enjoyed a terrific working relationship with current Liguori President and Publisher Rev. Matthew Kessler. Fr. Mat offered me a few wonderful opportunities to be a part of Liguori products, and I will treasure a great visit I made last year to their Missouri headquarters. I wish Fr. Mat all... Read more

May 14, 2013

Need a Spiritual Boost? Ever wonder what “Grace” is all about? Consider attending “A Taste of God’s Grace”. This women’s day event will feature Catholic writer, speaker and EWTN host, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, and Catholic author and contributor, Allison Gingras. The retreat will be held at the Holiday Inn, Danbury/Bethel, Ct. from 9 – 4 on Saturday, June 22nd. Visit to register or Call 508-243-1133 for more information.  Early Bird and group discounts available! Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle is a best-selling and award-winning author and journalist, speaker, and the EWTN... Read more

May 13, 2013

From the Chicago Tribune this weekend came the story of the man who had the foresight to register the domain “” and who was a cool enough person to give it to the Vatican instead of using it for personal gain: The Vatican has officially accepted a gift to Pope Francis from Chicago lawyer Chris Connors: a fitting domain name, Connors, who bought the domain in 2010 on a lark, had secretly hoped a pope would choose the name... Read more

May 13, 2013

What a joyful coincidence was yesterday’s canonization of two “Mothers” and 800 martyrs on our “Mother’s Day”. Pope Francis’ homily (quoted in portions below) provided a compelling introduction to our newest patrons: 800 Martyrs of Otranto: Today the Church proposes for our veneration a host of martyrs, who were called together to the supreme witness to the Gospel in 1480. About eight hundred people, [who], having survived the siege and invasion of Otranto, were beheaded near that city. They refused to... Read more

May 13, 2013

I recently read an interesting article on the blog of Father Christopher M. Zelonis — another “Fr. Z” — who calls himself a “Catholic Priest, Amateur Musician, Insatiable Verbivore and Dedicated Runner” The post in question was called “Unpacking the Precepts”: The Lord’s Day Observance and it delved into the reasons that the average Catholic misses Sunday Mass. Among them, the following: Sabbath Rest. As one CCD student told me when I was a seminarian visiting her class, “Daddy says... Read more

May 12, 2013

If you watch this and you laugh uproariously at every single “bit” perhaps — like me — you’re spending too much time of Facebook. But seriously, take a couple of minutes to watch… somehow laughing eases the pain. Read more

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