May 28, 2015

  When I was invited to speak at a conference in Iran, I was asked by the organizers to take as much of my digital footprint down as possible. I took down my first column “My Infidel Husband,” postponed my next two columns, de-activated my website, and even untagged myself in podcast photos of “Good Muslim, Bad Muslim” on Facebook. Then, two weeks before the conference, the organizers asked me to take down the New York Times article that... Read more

May 27, 2015

Because we are free women. born of free women, who are born of free women, back as time begins, we celebrate your freedom.   Because we are wise women, born of wise women, who are born of wise women, we celebrate your wisdom.   Because we are strong women, born of strong women, who are born of strong women, we celebrate your strength.   Because we are magical women, born of magical women, who are born of magical women, we... Read more

May 26, 2015

Dear Single Sisters, Lately, I’ve run into a lot of fabulous, beautiful single women who can’t find someone brave enough to show up for them. I am one of those women, just like you. We are beautiful, growing in our solitude, and looking for someone fearless and strong enough to rock our world. Life gets hard over here in the land of no-rocking, so let me tell you something about prayer and loneliness. I’ve been on my knees. Many times,... Read more

May 22, 2015

Muslim women’s hip-hop collective confronts stereotypes & breaks up the boys’ club: “We’re knowledgeable, we have rhymes, we have soul, and we have something to say.” – Alia Sharrief Read more

May 21, 2015

I finally dealt with what could have easily passed as a birds nest on my head and got my hair cut a couple weeks ago. I can just about tie it back, but spend the first few seconds of wakefulness running my hands around my side of the bed in the dark trying to find my hair-tie. I can no longer tie it into a bun, but it hasn’t deterred Saira from experimenting with different styles. My Mother has always been... Read more

May 20, 2015

“I never shall be an old maid, because I have elected to be a Girl Bachelor. And as to regretting this choice, you know the saying of the philosopher, ‘whether you marry or not, you will regret it.’” – Neith Boyce My friend Adam is a genius. We’re very different, Adam and I: he is a critical and analytical thinker, I am an intuitive and emotive one. Science, reason, and skepticism trump all for him, whereas for me, all three... Read more

May 19, 2015

Ed. Note: Please welcome our newest writer Luca, whose column “Halal Since 22” will be published the third Tuesday of every month. “You’re the nicest guy ever!” I’ve been called a lot of things by women throughout my life. Forward thinking, a saint (after a very unsaintly evening), emotionally unavailable, a complete fucking asshole, etc. I’d prefer to be called any of those things than be called nice. Nice is mild chicken wings. Nice is clothes from Old Navy. Nice... Read more

May 14, 2015

1. My name is too long to fit into the tiny space of your mouth. 2. My God is too big to be affected by the pebbles you throw with your tongue. 3. I am too beautiful to care whether your sons are comfortable with the black fabric in place of my bare skin. 4. My father’s beard is none of your business. 5. My mother’s henna spotted hands can strangle the appropriation out of you. 6. FGM is not... Read more

May 13, 2015

Until a few years ago, I believed that I’d had exactly one crush in my life. It didn’t last very long, nothing came of it, and the man I had the feelings for never knew about it. In fact, it wasn’t really like how most people talk about crushes. I never felt like I was “in love” or was giddy or any of the rest of it, it was just an intensity of feeling (which soon faded) that flustered me... Read more

May 8, 2015

Love, Inshallah welcomes back guest columnist Dilshad Ali for Mother’s Day. You ever have those moments where your love for your children surges up like a tidal wave, drowning you in overwhelming warmth and sweetness? It could be the most mundane thing, but in that moment, your love for your child is so clear and pure and strong that it almost hurts. It happens when Hamza comes home from school yelling “Mama!” because he is so excited to see me... Read more

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