I’ve been Birthed

I’ve been Birthed December 16, 2009

My present to myself today, on this day that I was born 29 years ago at 8:56am, is a song that always makes me smile and helps me remember God’s glory in each and every day.

I’m so thankful for so many of you – all of your love, support and in this medium of a blog: your interaction to continue furthering the wholistic understanding of what this bridge building movement is all about. I am humbled by what the Lord has done, and I know will continue to do. It’s crazy how quick the past 28 years have gone. Sometimes I still can’t believe I’m where I’m at, doing what I’m doing.

Though times have been tough recently I know that today’s going to be a good day. It’s time to turn a corner and refocus back on living in the blessed day we’re given. If I don’t say it enough, I sincerely love you all to death. Thank you for being there for me, challenging me, keeping me accountable to my words and thoughts, and just being a group of people that are so precious to this movement in such a time as this.

Much love.


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