Last Day of a lot of Things

Last Day of a lot of Things December 31, 2009

I woke up today realizing that today is the last day of the decade. Hello Captain Obvious! 10 years ago this day I just completed my first semester in college and my best friends had yet to ‘come out’ to me. Wow. I was quite the unsuspecting homophobe at that moment.  🙂

Who would have thought a decade later this is where I would be, talking to you all about how dramatically my life, life’s goals and my Christian walk have all changed 180 degrees. This is the first time that I’ve actually retrospectively thought about things in this fashion before. It’s so crazy that I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around it right now. And today I end this decade speaking to a thousand more college students in a few hours whom many of which will probably find themselves in the same strange place a decade from now. I pray this morning for their encouragement, peace and boldness in walking in all of the ways the Lord sets before them – no matter how negative and insane anyone might tell them their calling is.

Today is also the last day to donate for 2009. I have been overwhelmed with the support this month: we’re up to just over $13,000! I am so darn humbled by all of you and your extreme generosity, it has brought me to tears more than a few times over the last few weeks. You believe in this bridge building work and are really making a difference in your own local communities through it, and that is more than I could ever ask of anyone. Thank you so much for living out what few others have the guts or passion to sustainablly do.

As you can see I (and by “I” I actually mean Adam McLane) has added a new thermometer to the blog so everyone can stay updated on The Marin Foundation’s fundraising efforts. We will be updating the thermometer the first week of every month so you all will know as much as I do.

AND, thus far there are 15 of you (from our goal of 275) who have newly committed to give at least $15 per month! Only 260 left! Here is how you are able to make those donations:

1. We are in the process right now of establishing a reoccurring direct deposit account, where you sign up to give and the donation is automatically given each month without you having to do anything. This should be up and running by mid/end January. So I will let you all know on the blog!

2. Until then, there are two ways to give:

Online through the secure PayPal Donation button, in which donations can be made one at a time,


Mail a check to:

The Marin Foundation

5241 N. Ashland Ave. 1st Floor

Chicago, IL 60640  

[On our website is says to send donations to 700 W. Bittersweet Pl. Suite 208; you can still do that and we will receive them for a little longer, but we are transitioning fully to the new address. We will be making this change on the website soon.]

Have a fun night tonight, and an exciting day of watching college football tomorrow (at least I know I will!)

Much love.

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