Silence is [Not] Golden

Silence is [Not] Golden February 10, 2010

Ok, so I know silence is golden … but in this situation I’ve just left you all hanging! I’m sorry! If you noticed by my speaking schedule that this most recent trip actually started in January! Is it just me or does that seem like forever ago?! It all started when I went from speaking in Orange County, CA to Washington, DC for some congressional and international diplomatic meetings, as well as attending the National Prayer Breakfast.


I got snowed in, in DC from their Blizzard 2010 which brought 32.4 inches of snow in about 48 hours;


Chicago got pounded with snow as well – and we (Brenda and I) were stuck for about 4 extra days in DC because either their airports or O’Hare were closed on every given day we were trying to leave.

It’s been quite an adventure, and I’m looking forward to filling you all in as much as the government will let me talk about our meetings (more on that later). I just wanted to give a quick shout out and let you all know I’ll be full steam blogging again starting tomorrow. Can’t wait to catch you up on everything. Sorry for the absence … I just refused to pay $13.99 for a 24 hour period to use the Internet. In no way do I feel that is being a good steward of the sacrificial donations that have been graciously given to The Marin Foundation. And for those of you who follow me on Twitter or are friends with me on Facebook, sorry again, there’s not much exciting or profound things to write about or comment on when you’re stuck in a snowed-in city where everything is shut down – hence the silence there too.

So, I’ll be back home soon, and when I am, it’s on! Thanks for hanging in there with me.

Much love.

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