Graphic Designers: I Need Help!

Graphic Designers: I Need Help! April 1, 2010

To all my homies who read this blog, The Marin Foundation needs some cool swag:

Sw ‘ AAG: Sweet looking T-Shirts with a clever design and slogan to wear everywhere!

I have absolutely zero artistic ability! So I am calling on your help. If you, or you know of someone who loves designing stuff like this, I’m starting a contest which will result in thousands (hopefully gazillions) of people pimping your work all over the world. Here are some ideas of slogan stuff that I was thinking about:

Love is My Orientation

Love is an Orientation

Be Bold.

Much love

That’s about all my unclever mind can come up with…feel free to ad-lib as much as your clever minds can! So if you are interested, or know someone interested, just email me [] to let me know of your intent to design, and then, here are the rules:

1. Be as clever as you possibly can and make up as many designs as you want

2. All submissions must be emailed to me by April 27, 2010

3. Vote on the blog/twitter/facebook/email will commence May 1-5

4. Winner will be picked May 7th

If this is any-amount-of-your-thing, please help a brother out!

Much love.

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